Friday, October 31, 2008

Tonight was the boys First time Trick or Treating and they did AMAZING!!!!!! Tyler was a little puppy and Trevor was an adorable Bumble bee.. His costume had a cute matching treat bag and also the most adorable little stinger… I was a little skeptical on how the kids would do, being that they didn’t seem to like having their costumes when I had tried them on a few weeks back…. But they both were so so so excited the second they got out of the van and saw that we were going to be doing something fun…We waited to put on their costumes until we got into town, since the costumes were a little bulky for them to fit into the car seats….. Both the boys started to take off towards the first house as we quickly tried to get them into their costumes… The Bumble Bee and Little Puppy both ran up to the first house, as if they were pros at trick or treating.. Trevor even carried his own treat bag up to the first house!!!!! When they got to the door, they both had HUGE smiles on their faces and both stuck their hands into their treat bags to check out what the man had put in there…. They thought it was Very neat.. They both were anxious to head out to the next house and took of full steam ahead down the drive way both squealing… I couldn’t believe it!!!! We went around 1 whole block and both kids walked the whole thing… They loved being outside and it was the perfect night to have little ones out.. As I was walking with Trevor up to a house, a little boy pointed at Trevor and said, “you’re a bumble bee”.. Trevor stuck out his pointer finger and said “yeah, hi” ( he said these works in his adorable little voice which just melts hearts)… He made Mommy smile so big… It was so precious!!! It was so special watching out little boys trick or treat and you boys sure made mommy and daddy proud…. After trick or treating, we sat the kids down on a curb to get a few cute pictures… They both immediately stuck their hands into their trick or treat bags and started to check out their candy… Trevor snuck over close to Tyler to check out what he had also.. It was adorable!!!!! This was the best Halloween ever!!!!!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tyler our little sharer

Tyler has become our little sharer.. I guess he shared toys very good in class yesterday… and at home he always seems to go pick up 2 toys and gives one to Trevor…. When it is time to get ready for bed, Tyler goes and grabbed both his blanket and Trevor’s blanket and brings Trevor’s blanket over to him.. He also grabs both bottles and gives the other one to Trevor.. It is so precious…. Tyler has also just started kissing his brother on the cheek… The other day when my mom was out, I guess Tyler did a little trick on Trevor.. Trevor was laying on the floor playing with a toy, so Tyler went over to him, bent down to give Trevor a kiss, which made Trevor giggle and giggle, and at the same time Tyler snuck the toy out of Trevor’s hand… so I guess the kisses may not always be sincere.. ( ha ha)


I am so proud of Paul.. He has been attending an ECFE class called “A date with dad” with the kids each Tuesday… I now it is a lot of work taking the kids to class and watching them every second, so I am happy that he is doing this class…He said is gives him a little insight on what I have to go through everyday, which is nice for him to realize….. I am also so glad that Paul and the kids get this time together.. It is something very special.. and I have to say that I am LOVING this time to myself with no kids on my hips or little ones running all over the house.. The kids do circle time where they sing song… Tyler loves this choo choo song that they do and he has even started to move his arm up and down and say choo choo at the ending of the song.. It is so adorable… He sometimes get so excited about the choo choo part that he does it with both had a few times… It just cracks me up!!!! The kids had a great time last night in class.. They made art projects with daddy.. Trevor made a ghost out of shredded paper… He has TONS of practice working with shredded paper.. When he uses the big boy potty, his favorite part if pulling apart the toilet paper roll…. And Tyler made an adorable Pumpkin face on a paper plate.. These are such special projects that I treasure……

Boys learning new things everyday

Tyler has started making TONS of facial expressions that I used to make when I was little.. I have seen pictures from when I was little and it is hilarious seeing those exact expressions on Tyler’s face… My mom had a great time watching this when she come out and stayed with us for a few days… It was so wonderful having her here… I was able to sneak out and get caught up on tons of stuff…. The boys had a great time with their Grandma also and were sad to see her leave……

The boys have started to say a few words… For snack time I sometimes give the kid’s crackers, which they think are cookies”…. Trevor went over to the counter the other day and clear as a bell he said “cookie” as he pointed up to the cracker box…I was so proud of him…. Tyler has been shaking his head “no” for a while when he doesn’t want something.. But now he has also started to shake his head “no” and says no at the same time.. When he does want something head then says “yeah”… It is so cute…. But I found today that when I ask Tyler more than just a simple question, he looks at me all confused and just then says “ma ma”.. It is hilarious!!!!
Last week I we beside myself with the boys… I tried everything and the kids wouldn’t stop pulling on every kitchen cupboard and yanking at all the child safe locks…. I just didn’t now why their behavior had changed so much and what was going on….. My mom had some great parenting advice that maybe the kids needed something such as building blocks rather than all of these toys that just make sounds when you move or push them…. And was she ever right!!!!! I brought in the mega blocks and the boys were completely different kids!!!!! They both sat down with the blocks and started building towers out of them!! I was so impressed and surprised.. These little guys just needed something more challenging to do.. I kept asking myself “why didn’t I think of that.. How simple of a thing to have brought in for the kid..” I also brought in a few puzzles and the kids are already able to accociate between the farm animals and other pictures on the puzzled… I help up a chicken puzzle piece and asked Tyler where it went.. He immediately took the piece and placed it exactly where it should go.. Once they get it on the spot where it should go, they are so so so excited.. I then tell them to turn the piece and they start working with it until it fits… and then the whole house starts clapping…. When Tyler get a piece to fit, Trevor claps and claps and the same happens when Trevor fits the piece in… It is adorable!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tyler climbing into cuboard

Here goes Tyler climbing into the cuboard.. Trevor stands back waiting for the moment when he can shut his brother inside... and Tyler actually fit all the way inside the cabinet and Trevor was able to shut the door all the way.... Both the kids thought this was hilarious!!!!!
We had our First Saturday ECFE class called "Once upon a child".. Grandma Nancy came along with us to this class also.... It was a very challenging day at school with the kids... All of the projects were no where near age appropriate for kids our age.. One project delt with glitter and small beads, so this wasn't even safe for our kids... It was so discouraging having to keep telling the boys "no" about touching these art stations, because in an ecfe classroom, you would think it would be age appropriate... They also had a paint station set up.. Trevor took the whole cup of water and dumped that on the floor.. so there really wan't even anything projects that our little guys could safely do..... The kids did have a great time playing with all the new toys, but they sure gave mommy and Grandma Nancy a work out....
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Boys First Haircuts

Daddy gave the boys their first haircuts today (10/9/08).. I really wanted to keep Tyler's curls, so I told Paul we should just trim a little on the front and leave the back... But his exact words were "our boys are not going to have Mullets".."A baby and a mullet are not a cute combination" ( ha ha)... so we decided to give them both their first Big Boy hair cuts... Tyler no longer has those adorable curls, but both of their hair looks so much neater.. It is so much easier to get food out of their hair after those messy meals.... and the boys look just like little boys....
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