Monday, December 13, 2010

Boys seeing Santa

We took the boys to see Santa yesterday afternoon. It was so so so precious!!!!! Santa asked Trevor what he wanted for x-mas... and Trevor exact words were "I would like a blue tractor for Tyler and I would like a green tractor.... It was so precious that the first thing he asked for was somthing for Tyler.. Tyler was ok seeing santa and talking to him at a distance.. but he didn't want to to sit in his lap......

After seeing santa, we needed to get a few groceries.... Cub have a few Kids sized shopping cars that say shopper in training.. The boy love grocery shopping... It was so cute because I was reading off my grocery list and said that we needed hambuger.. Tyler steers his cart over and grabs 2 packages of hamburger.. It was SO cute!!!! and he even chose the ones that were on sale!!!!! I think that was just a lucky shot.. ha ha

Boys kids are enjoying the snow! They each have a shovel and love digging tunnels and playing with their trucks outside. This is a huge difference from last year. Neither of them seemed to like the cold or snow last year... so we will be having many month of fun outdoors this winter...