Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hold on Tight Trevor!!!

I was so glad I was able to get my camera out in time to capture this precious moment!!! Both boys had so much fun yesterday moving the car around the house, and Tyler sure had fun helping Trevor when it was his turn on the car.

It is so adorable how close Tyler and Trevor are. Recently, we have noticed a stronger conection between the boys. When one of the kids is napping and the other one is awake, we have noticed that the one who is awake seems to look for his brother. It is so precious!!! Just yesterday afternoon Tyler woke up from his nap some what fussy and we couldn't seem to figure out what the problem was. As soon as Trevor woke up, Tyler became his normal happy self. And the smiles the boys give eachother is priceless...

Making my own baby food is working out so great and is sure saving us alot of money. The kids love the food and it works so great to mix everything in with their cereal. I had no idea how much 2 little guys could pack away. I can't imagine how much they will eat when they get older!!!!

We just have 2 classes left in "Amazing Babies" and then there will be a 2 week break before the second half of the class begins. It is a bummer because all of the other kids we are currently in the class with are all turning ONE within the next few weeks, so my kids are the only ones that will be left in the "Amazing Babies" class... and so far no other new moms have signed up for the class... If they don't get more moms, they won't be having the second half of the class.. so I will am going to start looking into other class possibilites for the boys.
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