Tuesday, February 19, 2008

9 Months Old

WOW!! Where did the time go???? I can't belive my little boys are already 9 months old!!!!!!!!! It is so hard to believe that they both used to share a crib, could both sleep in the top part of the play pen, only drank 2-3 ounces of milk, used to fit in a small wash basin for their baths, I could run downstairs to do laundry and when I got back they would both be laying in the exact same spot I had left them in.... They have changed so much!!! It is amazing to think of all the changes these little guys went through in 9 months!!!!! They are able to crawl, pull themselves up by holding anything, tear apart the cuboards, play with Bagels and the cats, eat baby food, play independently and together, crawl to me when they need a cuddle, giggle histerically to the game peek a boo, can recognize new people, interact with other babies, and the list just goes on and on..... Before I know it, I will be planning their first Birthday party..... I just wish time would slow down so I can have these moments with the boys last even longer...... It is amazing also thinking of all the changes we have gone through with having twins... I remember when I used to work down in the cities and had to wake up at 4 in the morning.... I used to think that wasn't enough sleep.... Well, when you have twins, you truely find out what no sleep means.... When you become a parent, you truely see what you are made of and everything changes in your life for the better!!!!!! I am so happy being a mom and feel so blessed having Tyler and Trevor!!!!!!

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