Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine’s Day With Twins

The boys were slightly fussy last evening, but we thought the boys may enjoy getting out of the house and that it would be fun to eat super at Perkins.... Well.... The evening didn't go all that well... The restraunt was very crowded, but we found a table near the back so if the boys did get loud, it wouldn't disturb as many people.... At first the boys had fun hitting at the table and seemed to be having fun... That was until our food came..... Tyler thought of a sneaky strategy, He would throw his toy on the floor and as I would bend down to pick them back up, he would grab at my salad and ended up getting his fingers all covered in salad dressing....Trevor started to get a cold the night before, so he was all plugged up and sounded so congested. He ate all of his food like a good little boy, and then just seemed like he wanted to cuddle...So you can imagine how the meal went.. Both of us were holding a squacking kid, trying to eat ourselves, and trying to keep their little fingers out of the food.... We did this for a little while and decided it would be easier to just take the food to go.... I am so glad we did because the restraunt got even more crowded and the kids were very unhappy with being there............ When we got home and put the kids in the living room, Tyler sat there with the biggest smile on his face.. It was so adorable as if saying "You both weren't very bright to bring us to such a crowded place, you know we get over excited when we see alot of people" ...... While we ate the rest of our super, the boys pulled out their toys and by the time we finished eating the kids were ready to cuddle and be rocked to sleep....

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