Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The boys had so much fun outside these last few days and it sure helps them burn off more energy!!! When grandma and Grandpa came to visit last month, Grandpa hung the horse swing, which is the same swing that he had made me when I was little. It is so special that you boys are now using it!!!! Tyler loves to swing and has learned the word push very quickly. If the swing slows down even a tiny bit, he tells me push and then he giggles and yells wee!!!!... it is so precious!!!!! and Trevor is our little explorer and climber. Trevor's adventure began with talking to the horse. He waved to her and said hi and he was so excited when she gave out a nay... He giggles and pointed to her... and then told her Bye when he was heading off to find somthing else to explore. He wondered over to see if he could find some cats. He saw Toby under the deck furniture and began crawling after him, and when he realized that Toby could move much quicker, he began wondering the rest of the yard just exploring...... and WOW, it is a battle trying to get the kids to come back in the house.. Tyler hung onto the swing rope so tight and just kept shaking his head no... It is going to be a blast this summer when we can spend every second outdoors.....

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